About (EN)

“Your gonna do what mate? That’s mental!”
“Yeah you can only do that if your age”

Those are some of the responses I got when I was telling people about this trip.

A few years back after finishing school I asked my dad if I could borrow his r1150r for a week to go touring trough Belgium.

He did get the bike back, but it took 4 weeks, 4 countries and 3000km of country lanes to get back home.

An experiance that really shaped a bit of me at that time, in a positive way I may add!
A mail wich was send to a nice New-Zeeland couple riding around on a tandem, that i’d met during the trip really sums up the feeling.

I´m home for about 2 weeks now, but still a bit dazzled by the experience!
And it results in a very bad habit. Every poor soul who dares asking how my journey was
has the problem of cancelling every appointment for the next hour or so.
They have to listen to a overexcited Ruud who just can’t stop talking about this trip he had!
Next time ill be better prepared and i´ll probably go a lot further!.
I really envy you guys for doing what you do, but my time will come

I’d drawn out the route on Google Earth and I was kinda disappointed in howfar I had to zoom in before it became something more than a dot.

I kinda knew, I wanted to do it again, but bigger.

Now 3,5 years down the line, some strange and unexplainable decisions have led to the following situation:

I quit my job, I quit my room, I bought a new fancy tent and I’m going to ride on my own R1150GS until the money runs out, or i’m fed up with it.

I still have no idea how long it’s gonna take or how far I’ll come with the budget I have.
So I will try and get my sleeping places via CouchSurfing and maybe the Horizons Unlimited

Which ofcource as a big bonus is a great way to meet some new people and experience the culture up close.

I left on mid April, when the sun started to shine, and hope to get a lot more of it during the trip.

The route is very global, there is actually just one point that I am sure I want to visit, and that will be the  Sziget festival in Budapest.

Rondje europa


  1. Hi Ruud, Hope you got the picture o.k. of us guys meeting you at Arromanche last week.

    This looks really good and I hope your money lasts.

    Good luck with the trip from one envious biker.


  2. Greetings from Koroni Greece
    and Babis the baker,
    very happy to see you are doing very good,
    Well done!!!

  3. Hallo Ruud,
    wir haben uns in Kappadokien getroffen. Ich war und bin fasziniert von deiner Reise. Ich hoffe es geht dir gut und deine Reise verläuft weiter problemlos.
    Ich habe drei Fotos gemacht und versprochen sie zu schicken.
    Leider weiß ich nicht, wie ich das machen soll.
    Herzliche Grüße und alles Gute
    Hanne Kayser

  4. Hello Ruud!
    We met at the Formula 1 GP in Istanbul. I promised you to send some pictures, but I don’t know your email address.
    Please send it to me.
    From your blog I know you want to visit the sziget festival. If you want to come to austria afterwards and you need a place to stay, feel free to contact me.
    We have a guest room or a place for your tent.


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